What is the difference between Physiotherapy and Remedial Massage?
Physiotherapy is the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions resulting in pain, restricted movement, weakness and altered mobility caused by accident, illness or degeneration. Physiotherapists are qualified to use electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound and TENS. Traction, mobilisation and manipulation of vertebral and limb/jaw joints are also utlised. Physiotherapists are able to refer clients for some diagnostic procedures such as x-rays.
Remedial massage therapy is a hands on treatment to soft tissue restoring function, relieving pain, decreasing muscle tension and/or spasm to improve physical or athletic performance and promote healing. Remedial massage therapy stimulates circulation and local blood flow.
Both Physiotherapists and Remedial Massage Therapists are able to prescribe stretches, strengthening exercises, postural training and balance exercises.
Is payment required at time of consultation?
For all private clients payment is required at time of each consultation.
Workcover and third party clients where liability has been accepted or the claim has been approved by the employer are billed to the appropriate source. Workcover and Third Party clients for counselling and Podiatry need written approval for the first consultation. Please contact the clinic if assistance is required for this process.
DVA (Department of Veteran’s Affairs) clients need only present their gold card for direct billing.
Medicare Chronic Disease Management Plans (previously know as Enhanced Primary Care Plan) clients for Physiotherapy and Podiatry pay the first visit and claim this payment from their nearest Medicare office. If bank account details are lodged with Medicare Australia and payment is received by debit card at the time of consultation Medicare reimbursement can be completed on the spot. Subsequent Medicare consultations are bulk billed at time of consultation.
Methods of payment?
Payment is accepted by cash, EFTPOS and credit card. Private clients with extras or ancillary private health insurance can use the HICAPS system to claim on the spot for Physiotherapy services. Some health funds also allow on the spot processing via HICAPS for Remedial Massage Therapy, Dietetics and Podiatry consultations.
Do you bulk bill?
Physiotherapy and Podiatry Medicare clients under a Chronic Disease Management Plan or Enhanced Primary Care Plan pay the first visit and claim this payment from their nearest Medicare office. If bank account details are lodged with Medicare Australia and payment is received by debit card at the time of consultation Medicare reimbursement can be completed on the spot. Subsequent Medicare consultations are bulk billed at time of consultation with a current referral from the doctor.
Workcover and Third Party clients are billed directly to the insurer once liability has been accepted and a claim number provided. Workcover and Third Party clients for counselling and Podiatry need written approval for the first consultation. Please contact the clinic if assistance is required for this process.
Do you have HICAPS?
Yes, we do have HICAPS. Clients are able to claim the rebate directly from their health fund at the time of consultation if a current health fund card is presented and coverage is available for extras or ancillary services.
Please check with your healthfund regarding your level of coverage for each service offered at Rathmines Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre.
What is Chronic Disease Management Plan or an Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
Chronic Disease Management Plans were previously known as Enhanced Primary Care Plans.
Medicare rebates for certain allied health services are available for patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs on referral from their GP. A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer.
A Medicare rebate is available for a maximum of five (5) allied health services per patient each calendar year. A referral is valid for the stated number of services. If all services are not used during the calendar year in which the patient was referred, the unused services can be used in the next calendar year. However, those services will be counted as part of the five rebates for allied health services available to the patient during that calendar year.
Eligible allied health workers include; Physiotherapists and Podiatrists, who are available at Rathmines Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre.
For more information please use the attached link: http://www.health.gov.au/epc
Do I have to wear swimmers when I go to the pool?
Yes. It is also acceptable to wear board shorts and a rash-shirt over your swimmers for modesty if you choose. Try to avoid cotton-based clothing as this absorbs more chemicals from the water.
What would be appropriate to wear to a consultation?
Comfortable loose fitting clothing with appropriate underwear (eg. briefs not boxers) and easy to remove shoes. Discrete underpants are required to be worn in remedial massage therapy appointments. For Podiatry appointments remember to bring the shoes most often worn.
How long is each appointment?
Appointment times vary depending on each client’s condition. The initial appointment for Physiotherapy and Remedial Massage Therapy will be between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Follow up consultations will be between 20 and 60 minutes. The time is generally determined by the injury being treated to focus on individualised care. The length of treatments will be discussed with each client.
Podiatry initial appointments are between 20-40 minutes and follow-up appointments are 10-20 minutes.
What happens at my first consultation?
Physiotherapy and Remedial Massage Therapy initial consultations involve the assessment and treatment of an individual’s reported signs and symptoms as well as physical abilities. Initial assessments typically involve a thorough verbal component followed by a hands-on component. Assessments and treatments are individualised to each client and are conducted in a private area. Treatment will be tailored specifically to your needs and based on current evidence based best practice. Treatment may include joint mobilisation, soft tissue release, needle point therapy, exercises, hydrotherapy, electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound and T.E.N.S and self management techniques. Optimal improvement relies on the client being an active participant in their program.
Podiatry initial consultations involve a thorough history of the clients condition followed by a visual and hands on examination of the problematic area. For clients with biomechanical pain a video analysis may also be taken for the assessment of walking and running. For diabetic clients a Doppler may be performed for diagnostic purposes. Treatment will then be discussed and implemented dependent upon the problem and needs of the client.
Where are treatments conducted?
All treatments are on an individual basis, in a private consulting room. There is only one patient booked per session with each provider.
Hydrotherapy consultations are conducted at Toronto Indoor Swim Centre, Cnr Awaba Rd & Carleton St Toronto.
Home visits and individualised gymnasium or community facility appointments can also be arranged.
Do you send a reminder for appointments?
Yes, we send reminders to your mobile phone in the form of a text message/sms. Please ensure we have your mobile number to receive this service.
Do I need a referral?
A referral is required for Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA), Medicare, Third Party and Workers Compensation clients.
I’m not sure what I need to bring?
To all appointments please bring reading glasses, hearing aids, appropriate clothing, Dentures, x-rays, HICAPS card, referral if required and payment for the consultation. Please also see the “Coming to an appointment” section for more detailed information.
Do you supply and fit braces?
We have access to a wide selection of braces. Most braces require fitting, so it is best to discuss this during your treatment session. We are able to fit stocked braces on the spot for your convenience.
Custom made thermoplastic splints for the hands and arm can also be made in a scheduled appointment with the Physiotherapist.
Do you sell orthotics?
We can measure, order and fit orthotics. Our Podiatrist, James Pascoe can also measure, order and fit custom made orthotics for the client’s specific needs.
How soon can I attend Physiotherapy/Remedial Massage Therapy after an injury?
You can see a Physiotherapist straight after an injury has occurred. For Remedial Massage Therapy however it is recommended to wait between 48-72 hours after injury has occurred as massage can promote further bleeding and bruising in the tissue. Ensure (RICE) Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation is done prior to treatment.
What is Biomechanics?
Biomechanics is the analysis of the function of human motion. Podiatrists perform clinical biomechanical evaluation of the lower limb to detect abnormal motion to ensure appropriate and effective treatment. This treatment may include specific exercises, footwear evaluation and the prescription of foot orthoses, from precise measurements of an individual’s biomechanics.
What does a Podiatrist treat?
Podiatrists treat any any problems of the lower limb, particularly :
- Sports injuries
- Biomechanics
- Diabetic foot care
- Paediatrics
- Arthritis
- Nails and Callus
- Occupational injuries